mild aromatic mix |
I know that most of you are probably getting a laugh thinking of me doing this Holistic Nutrition thing. Granted I am not the "mother earth" type or really care about the big picture in terms of the environment or humanity as a whole. I love pharmaceuticals ( this love actually keeping me from getting a job as a pharm tech), would love to be a forensic pathologist...people are sooooo much nicer when they are dead and I have an honest addiction to white flour and still don't see what the problem is. So I get it that you think it's funny. I realize the thought of me in a dashiki, dreaded hair and banging on a drum whilst holding hands with my sisters...not Nanine and Brianne...and communing with spirits is downright laughable, but why is growing sprouts so strange? Perhaps that's the first step down the slippery slope to un-shaved armpits and herbal tinctures? Well I'm here to tell you I don't care and I've got 5 bottles sitting on my windowsill as I write this. I love crunchy spicy sprouts. Is there anything better on sandwich? A bagel with chive cream cheese? A mushroom veggie burger? Maybe more cheese but that's about it. This pack I got was called mild aromatic and mild it is not! Those radish sprouts are hotter than a dollop of Siricha Chili Sauce...you know the red bottle with the rooster on it...man ketchup...But they are oh so tasty and look so nice on the ledge in the sunlight in this dismal time of year. It requires nothing more than a mason jar and some cheesecloth, both of which I have hanging around in anticipation of this years canning season. Soak the little buggers overnight and then rinse them 3 times a day for about 6 days. I find the mung beans are not the best sprouters but that could be thee pack that I bought. I just ordered about 15 pounds of seeds from Vesseys and hope to get a sprouting machine going by next week. It's getting a wee bit crowded on the sill and I can do a lot more this way. Well I'm off to enjoy a bagel and sprout sandwich for breakfast, hope some of you might try your hand at it and if you hear those drums a beating just ignore them.
Thump, thump-a-da-thump, thump....